Engage your customer

Brand building on the web

Many people get started in business with an obsessive need to find a company name, design a logo and get a website up. We’ve all been there – using online dictionaries and word searches to find two words that together sound quirky, memorable and aspirational.

In this section we’ll teach you how to avoid obsessing over these minutiae, but focus your energy on going deeper into what your company really stands for. We provide signposting to resources that help you establish your brand values, create visuals for marketing, build a website and make sure your online content is enhanced through search engine optimisation (SEO).

Customer relationships

Reid Hoffman, one of the founders of PayPal and LinkedIn, says that a good product with great customer engagement will far outsell a great product with good customer engagement. This means customer engagement is the tipping point which has the power to drastically affect revenue.

Here, we explore using social media as a growth tool and rolling out an effective marketing plan, but before you read these guides, make sure you’ve gone through the exercises in the brand building section.